How To Fix A Kitchen Faucet That’s Stuck On Spray Mode?

If you’re like most people, you probably turn on your kitchen faucet and expect it to work. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and the faucet sprays water in all directions instead of coming out in a stream. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to wash dishes or cook food.

Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to fix the faucet and get it working the way you want it to. In this blog post, we will show you how to fix a kitchen faucet stuck in spray mode.

What To Do If Your Kitchen Faucet is Stuck on Spray Mode?

If you find that your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, a few things can cause this.

One possibility is that the valve assembly has become clogged and needs to be replaced.

Another possibility is that the flow restrictor may be defective and needs to be replaced.

In either case, fixing the problem usually involves removing the faucet unit and cleaning everything. If the flow restrictor is defective, it may also require replacing the entire unit.

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue.

First, try turning the water off and on again to see if that fixes the issue.

If it doesn’t, try unscrewing the handle and checking for clogs or obstructions.

If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the faucet.

If you notice that the spray mechanism is not working, replacing the entire faucet unit may be necessary.

How To Fix a Stuck-on Spray Mode Kitchen Faucet?

You can do a few things if your kitchen sink is stuck in spray mode.

One possibility is that the handle has become stuck. If this is the case, you can try to remove the handle by twisting it counterclockwise.

If that doesn’t work, you can try disconnecting the hose from the faucet and moving it with your hands.

You may need to call a professional if none of these methods work.

Identification Of the Problem

If you’re experiencing problems with your kitchen faucet that’s stuck on spray mode, you can do a few things to get it working again.

Start by verifying that the water valve is properly seated in the faucet.

Next, ensure the water valve handle is fully extended and in the “on” position.

If these steps don’t solve the issue, you might need to replace the water valve.

Removal And Replacement of The Water Filter

If your kitchen faucet is on spray mode and it’s not Arborist-approved, you can remove the water filter to fix the issue. If the spray nozzle is stuck, try pushing down on the handle to move the spray nozzle. If that doesn’t work, unscrew the faucet’s top and remove the water filter. Clean both parts with a damp cloth and reattach them using screws if necessary.

Cleaning The Faucet

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. One potential cause of a stuck spray faucet is a clogged drain. If the sink or drain is full of water, sediment, grease, and food particles, it can block the flow of water through the filter system. In this case, the valve that controls the spray function may become jammed.

To clear a clogged drain:

  • Turn off the main water supply to the house by turning off the breaker at the main panel.
  • Open all of the kitchen cabinets and drawer fronts so you can access all of the plumbing inside.
  • Use a plunger to clear debris and excess water inside the sink drain.
  • Replace any parts that are dirty or worn (such as plungers).
  • Re-attach all cabinet and drawer fronts.
  • Turn on the main water supply and wait several minutes for any debris to settle before using the sink.

Testing And Fixing the Faucet

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. If the faucet has been wet recently, turn the water off and wait five minutes before turning it back on. If that doesn’t work, try spraying a little dish soap onto the O-ring and turning the faucet handle to the left. If that still doesn’t work, call a plumber.

Troubleshooting Tips for A Kitchen Faucet That's Stuck on Spray Mode

Troubleshooting Tips for A Kitchen Faucet That’s Stuck on Spray Mode

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few troubleshooting tips you can try.

First, ensure the water is cold and the faucet is properly seated in the basin.

Second, try turning the knob on the side of the faucet to see if it moves in any other direction. If it doesn’t, a broken part may need to be replaced.

Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to call a professional to fix your faucet.

Kitchen Faucet Diverter Stuck

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue.

First, check to see if the filter needs to be replaced. If the filter is clean, then you may need to adjust the water supply.

Second, ensure the handle is secured in the correct position on the faucet.

Third, try cleaning out the drain with a plunger.

Finally, if all of these methods fail, you may need to replace the faucet assembly.

Moen Kitchen Faucet is Stuck in Spray Mode

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue.

  • Ensure you have turned off the water supply to the kitchen faucet before trying to fix it.
  • Try adjusting the water flow by turning the water flow regulator on the spout.
  • If one of these two solutions do not work, you may need to replace the kitchen faucet’s valve assembly.

Pfister Faucet is Stuck on Spray Mode

If your Pfister kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue.

First, try turning the water off and on again.

If that doesn’t work, try unscrewing the handle and see if it’s sticking when you rotate it.

If that still doesn’t work, you may need to replace the valve.

Grohe Kitchen Faucet Spray Button is Not Working

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. You may need to reset the water flow or replace the nozzle.

To reset the water flow on a kitchen faucet, turn it off at the main supply and wait two minutes. Turn it back on and try spraying again.

If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the nozzle.

Tips For Preventing a Stuck-on Spray Mode Kitchen Faucet in The Future

If you’re ever in the unfortunate position of dealing with a kitchen faucet that’s stuck in spray mode, there are a few tips you can follow to prevent this from happening in the future.

First, make sure the water pressure is strong enough in your home. If the water pressure isn’t adequate, the faucet will struggle to push water through its nozzle and will eventually get stuck in spray mode.

Second, try cleaning the filter located behind the sprayer. This area can become clogged over time and cause the machine to malfunction.

Finally, if all else fails and your kitchen faucet is still stuck in spray mode, it may be necessary to replace it.


If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. First, try turning the faucet off and on several times. If that doesn’t work, try adjusting the water flow by pulling out the spray handle or twisting it counterclockwise. If none of these methods work, you may need to replace the faucet assembly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you fix a stuck kitchen faucet sprayer?

If your kitchen faucet is spraying water but won’t move from spray mode, there are several things you can try. Try turning the water off at the main valve and on to the faucet again. This might release the water pressure and allow the faucet to move. If that doesn’t work, try using a plunger to clear any obstruction from the spray head. If that still doesn’t work, call a plumber.

Why won’t my kitchen faucet switch from spray?

If your kitchen faucet is stuck in spray mode, you can do a few things to get it working again. First, try turning the water off and on again to see if that helps. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the valve. If the valve is broken or in an incorrect position, it won’t allow water to flow freely, and the faucet will stay in spray mode. You can call a professional if you don’t know how to replace a valve.

Why does water come out of the sprayer but not the faucet?

There could be a number of reasons why water is coming out of your kitchen faucet but not from the sprayer. Here are a few possibilities: the water pressure in your home may be low or nonexistent. This could be because of an old pipe, a broken main line, or a low-quality HVAC system. The spray head on your faucet may be malfunctioning. This can happen if worn out, clogged with mineral deposits, or replaced incorrectly. Your hot and cold valves may not work correctly in your distribution system. This would cause one valve to work intermittently while the other continues to spurt water without pause.

How do I disconnect the sprayer on my kitchen sink?

If your kitchen sink is spraying water all over the place, it may be time to unplug it and take it down for repair. Follow these easy steps to disconnect the sprayer on your kitchen sink: remove the screws that hold the basin in place (usually two at the top and two at the bottom). Lift off the basin. Unplug the sprayer by removing the connector plug. Remove the four screws that hold the sprayer assembly to the faucet body. Carefully remove the sprayer assembly from the faucet body.