What Homeowner’s Insurance Covers When It Comes to Replacing Kitchen Cabinets?

Kitchen cabinets are an essential part of any home and can really complete the look of a kitchen. But when it comes time to replace them, the cost can be overwhelming for homeowners who don’t have the funds to pay for a full replacement. If you’re in this predicament, you may be wondering what your homeowner’s insurance covers when it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what types of coverage are available and whether homeowner’s insurance covers replacing kitchen cabinets. Read on to learn more about how you can save money on your next cabinet replacement with the right kind of coverage.

What Is Homeowner’s Insurance?

Homeowner’s insurance is a type of property insurance that covers a private residence. It is an insurance policy that combines various personal insurance protections, which can include losses occurring to one’s home, its contents, loss of use (additional living expenses), or loss of other personal possessions of the homeowner, as well as liability insurance for accidents that may happen at home or on the property.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Replacing Kitchen Cabinets?

If you’re wondering whether homeowner’s insurance will cover replacing your kitchen cabinets, the answer is generally yes. However, there are some caveats to keep in mind. First, your policy will likely only cover the replacement of cabinets if a covered event, such as a fire or severe weather damaged them. If you’re simply looking to upgrade your cabinets, your homeowner’s insurance won’t provide coverage.

Additionally, it’s important to note that most policies will only cover the replacement of cabinets up to a certain amount. So, if your cabinets are particularly valuable or high-end, you may need to purchase additional coverage to protect them fully. You can contact your insurance agent or company to get more information about what your policy covers and whether you need additional coverage for your kitchen cabinets.

Insurance Doesn’t Want to Replace the Upper Cabinets

Most homeowners’ insurance policies will not cover the cost of replacing upper cabinets in a kitchen. This is because cabinets are considered to be part of the home’s structure and are not usually damaged in a covered event, such as a fire or windstorm. If your cabinets are damaged by a covered event, your policy will likely only cover the cost of repairing them, not replacing them.

Insurance Only Replacing Lower Cabinets

If your lower cabinets are damaged and need replacement, your homeowner’s insurance policy will likely cover the replacement cost. However, if you have a higher-end kitchen with custom cabinets, your insurance may only cover the cost of replacing the lower cabinets with more standard fares. Be sure to check your policy or speak with your agent to determine what type of coverage you have for replacement kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen Damage Insurance Claim

Most homeowners’ insurance policies will cover if your home is damaged and you need to replace your kitchen cabinets. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when making a claim.

First, you will need to have an estimate of the cost of the replacement cabinets. This can be obtained from a contractor or cabinet company. Second, you must submit this estimate and a claim form to your insurance company.

Third, it is important to keep in mind that the insurance company may not cover the entire cost of the replacement cabinets. They will typically only cover a portion of the cost, so you may have to pay for some of the expenses out of pocket. Finally, be sure to keep all receipts and documentation related to the damages and replacements so that you can submit them to the insurance company if needed.

Average Insurance Payout for Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most common claims made on homeowners’ insurance policies. And, while it’s typically covered by insurance, there can be some tricky aspects to filing a claim. For example, what if your cabinets are damaged by water but can be repaired? Or what if you need to replace your cabinets entirely?

Here’s a look at what homeowner’s insurance covers when it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets due to water damage.

Typically, if water damage is the cause of your damaged cabinets, your homeowner’s insurance will cover the cost of repairs or replacement. However, there may be some instances where only partial coverage is provided or where you have to pay a deductible.

It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance policy before filing a claim to see what exactly is covered and what isn’t. That way, you won’t be caught off guard by any surprises.

How to Know What Your Policy Covers?

Your homeowner’s insurance policy is there to protect your home and everything inside of it from damage or destruction. But what exactly does that mean? How much coverage do you have, and what does it cover?

When it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets, most policies will cover the cost of replacement if the cabinets are damaged or destroyed by a covered event. However, checking your policy to see exactly how much coverage you have and what events are covered is important. Some policies may only cover certain types of damage, such as fire or wind damage, while others may exclude replacement altogether.

If you’re unsure what your policy covers, the best thing to do is call your insurance company. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what’s included in your coverage and help you determine whether you need additional coverage for kitchen cabinet replacement.

Factors That Determine Replacement Value

Factors That Determine Replacement Value

One of the most important factors determining replacement value is the age of the cabinets. If your cabinets are under five years old, you’re more likely to get a full or partial replacement from your homeowner’s insurance policy. On the other hand, if your cabinets are older than five years, your claim may only cover a portion of the cost of replacing them.

Other factors affecting replacement value include the type of cabinets you have (custom vs. standard), the materials they’re made from (wood vs. laminate), and whether or not they’ve been damaged by water or other covered hazards.

Common Causes of Damaged Kitchen Cabinets

There are many things that can cause damage to your kitchen cabinets, and it’s important to know what your homeowner’s insurance policy covers. Here are some of the most common causes of damaged kitchen cabinets:

Water Damage: Water is one of the most common causes of damage to kitchen cabinets. If your pipes leak or your dishwasher overflows, you could be left with water-damaged cabinets. Most homeowner’s insurance policies will cover water damage, but it’s important to check your policy limits.

Fire Damage: Another common cause of damage to kitchen cabinets is fire. If your stovetop catches fire or you have a grease fire in your oven, the resulting smoke and heat can damage your cabinets. Most homeowner’s insurance policies will cover fire damage, but you may have a deductible.

Physical Damage: Physical damage is another common cause of damaged kitchen cabinets. If something falls and hits your cabinet doors, or if you accidentally slam a door too hard, the physical impact can damage the finish or even break the doors. Most homeowner’s insurance policies will cover physical damage, but you may have a deductible.

Wear and Tear: Over time, wear and tear can take a toll on your kitchen cabinets. The finish may fade or chip, and the hardware may become loose. While most homeowner’s insurance policies won’t cover wear and tear, some policies offer coverage for “Betterment and Betterment Coverage Extensions.” This means that if you make improvements to your home, such as replacing worn-out kitchen cabinets, the policy will cover the cost of the repairs.

Common Exclusions in Homeowner’s Insurance Policies

There are many exclusions in homeowner’s insurance policies when it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets. Some of the most common exclusions are:

  • Damage caused by insects or vermin: If your cabinets are damaged by termites, carpenter ants, or other insects or vermin, your homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover the replacement cost.
  • Flood damage: If your cabinets are damaged by flooding or water leaks, you will be responsible for the replacement cost.
  • Earthquake damage: Earthquake damage is also typically excluded from coverage, so if your house gets damaged in an earthquake, you will need to replace them at your own expense.
  • Wear and tear: Homeowner’s insurance policies, including kitchen cabinets, do not cover normal wear and tear on your home. Over time, cabinets can become worn down and scratched; eventually, they will need to be replaced. This is considered a maintenance issue and is not covered by insurance.

Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim for Replacing Kitchen Cabinets

If your home insurance policy covers the replacement of kitchen cabinets, then you should follow these tips to ensure a smooth claims process:

  1. Take photos or videos of the damaged cabinets and keep any receipts for repairs or replacements that you have already made.
  2. Contact your insurance agent or company as soon as possible to report the damage and begin the claims process.
  3. Be prepared to provide details about the incident, such as when it occurred and what caused the damage.
  4. Cooperate with the insurance adjuster who will be assigned to your claim and answer any questions truthfully.
  5. Be patient, as the claims process can take some time to complete.

Alternatives to Homeowner’s Insurance for Replacing Kitchen Cabinets

There are a few alternatives to homeowner’s insurance when it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets. One option is to purchase a rider on your homeowner’s insurance policy that specifically covers the replacement of cabinets. Another option is to get a standalone policy that only covers cabinet replacement.

A third alternative is to save up the money to replace the cabinets yourself. This option requires you to have the discipline to save, but it gives you more control over how and when the replacement happens. It also means that you won’t have to pay for any additional coverage beyond what your regular homeowner’s insurance policy provides.

How Much Will It Cost to Replace Kitchen Cabinets?

The cost of replacing kitchen cabinets can vary widely depending on the type and quality of the cabinets you choose. If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider purchasing used or refurbished cabinets. The average cost of new kitchen cabinets is $5,000 to $10,000.


Homeowner’s insurance is a great way to protect your investment in your home and belongings. When it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets, homeowner’s coverage typically covers the cost of repairs, replacements, or even upgrades if necessary. Be sure to check with your insurance company for specifics on what they will cover and make sure you have enough coverage so that all of your needs are taken care of. Good luck out there!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will insurance replace all cabinets?

If your home is damaged and you need to replace your kitchen cabinets, your insurance will likely cover the cost. The amount of coverage you have depends on your policy, but most policies will at least partially cover the cost of replacement cabinets. To be sure, check with your insurance agent to see what your policy covers.

What is not usually covered by homeowner’s insurance?

Most homeowners’ insurance policies will not cover damage to kitchen cabinets that occurs gradually over time, such as from water leaks or wear and tear. In order to be covered, the damage must be sudden and accidental, such as from a fire or severe weather. Additionally, many policies have limits on the amount they will pay for cabinet replacement, so it’s important to check your policy documents to see if you’re adequately covered.

What should you not say to homeowner’s insurance?

When it comes to replacing kitchen cabinets, there are a few things you should avoid saying to your homeowner’s insurance company. For starters, don’t say that you need a complete kitchen makeover. This will likely raise red flags with your insurer, who may see it as an opportunity to increase your rates. Also, try not to give them the specific dollar amount you want for the replacement cabinets. Instead, give them a range of what you’re willing to spend. And finally, don’t forget to mention any discounts or credits you may be eligible for when it comes to the cost of the new cabinets.

Can you replace your own kitchen cabinets?

If you have a standard home insurance policy, it likely won’t cover the cost of replacing your kitchen cabinets. However, you may be able to purchase an endorsement or separate policy that will provide this coverage. When shopping for coverage, be sure to ask about replacement cost coverage for your cabinets specifically.

Can kitchen cabinets be removed and reinstalled?

Yes, kitchen cabinets can be removed and reinstalled. However, you should check with your homeowner’s insurance policy to see if this is covered. Some policies may only cover kitchen cabinet replacement if they are damaged beyond repair. Removing and reinstalling kitchen cabinets can be difficult, so hiring a professional contractor is recommended if you do not have the experience.