Can You Use Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen? – A Guide To Kitchen Cleaning And Sanitation

The cleanliness and sanitation of a commercial kitchen are of the utmost importance. Besides ensuring the safety of all who work in the kitchen, it also helps maintain the food quality.

Bleach is one of the most popular and effective cleaning and sanitizing products used in commercial kitchens. But can you use bleach in a commercial kitchen?

In this guide, we will discuss the use of bleach in a commercial kitchen, its effectiveness and safety, and other important considerations.

Can You Use Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen?

It is essential for any commercial kitchen to maintain a high level of cleanliness and sanitation to avoid foodborne illnesses and other health risks. Many establishments use bleach to sanitize surfaces and equipment, but can you use bleach in a commercial kitchen? The answer is yes, but certain guidelines must be followed to ensure a safe and effective sanitization process.

When using bleach in a commercial kitchen, the first step is to dilute it properly. Bleach should be diluted in a 1:10 ratio of bleach to water, and it is important to use cold water when diluting. This will ensure that the bleach is properly diluted and will not cause any harm to people or surfaces. Once the bleach has been mixed, it is important to use it within four hours to maintain its potency.

Second, using a designated bleach-dipping container is important to prevent cross-contamination. This container should be separate from other cleaning supplies and used only for bleach-dipping. Additionally, it is important to use gloves when handling bleach and always to wear safety goggles when spraying bleach.

Third, using the correct type of bleach for sanitization is important. Household bleach is different from commercial-grade bleach, and the two should not be used interchangeably. Household bleach contains dyes and fragrances that can be harmful when sanitizing in a commercial kitchen.

Finally, it is important to use bleach correctly to ensure effectiveness. Bleach should be applied to surfaces and allowed to sit for at least ten minutes before rinsing. This will allow the bleach to kill bacteria and other microorganisms effectively. It is important to remember to always rinse surfaces thoroughly after using bleach to remove any remaining residue.

Benefits Of Using Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen

Benefits Of Using Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen

Using bleach in a commercial kitchen is an effective and affordable way to keep it clean and sanitary. Bleach is an effective cleaning agent due to its disinfectant qualities and is even more effective when paired with other sanitizing products.

  • Reducing the spread of foodborne illnesses: Bleach effectively kills bacteria, mold, and mildew, all potential sources of foodborne illnesses. It is also effective at killing any harmful viruses that may be present on surfaces. Additionally, bleach is an effective sanitizer, which helps to reduce the risk of cross-contamination between food and surfaces.
  • Affordable and accessible cleaning agent: Bleach is easy to find in most stores and is relatively inexpensive compared to other cleaning products. Additionally, it is easy to use and often requires only a few minutes to be effective.
  • Environmental benefits: Bleach breaks down into harmless byproducts when exposed to water and air, making it a safer option than many other cleaning agents. Additionally, it is non-toxic and biodegradable, making it a great choice for green businesses.

Regulations And Guidelines For Using Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen

The use of bleach in a commercial kitchen should always follow strict guidelines and regulations to ensure employees’ and customers’ safety and health. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Always wear personal protective equipment like gloves, aprons, and eye protection when handling bleach.
  • Never mix bleach with other cleaning agents, which can create toxic fumes and cause serious harm.
  • When diluting bleach, use only the recommended amount and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Ensure all surfaces and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and rinsed before using bleach.
  • After applying bleach, leave it on the surface for the recommended time, usually 5-10 minutes, before rinsing thoroughly with water.
  • Regularly test the concentration of your bleach solution to ensure that it is effective and safe for use.
  • Store bleach properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and other chemicals.

Safety Considerations For Using Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen

Using bleach in a commercial kitchen can be an effective way to disinfect surfaces and equipment. Still, it’s important to take some safety considerations into account to prevent accidents and ensure food safety:

  • Wear protective gear: Always wear gloves, goggles, and a mask to protect yourself from possible splashes or fumes.
  • Proper dilution: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure you use the proper dilution ratio for the bleach solution. Too much bleach can be harmful, and too little may not be effective.
  • Ventilation: Make sure the area is well-ventilated to avoid the accumulation of bleach fumes, which can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.
  • Rinse thoroughly: After using bleach, rinse surfaces and equipment well with water to remove any residue that could come into contact with food.
  • Labeling: Clearly label any containers that contain bleach solution to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse.
  • Storage: Store bleach securely away from food and beverages to prevent accidental contamination.

Choosing The Right Bleach For A Commercial Kitchen

When choosing the right bleach for a commercial kitchen, there are a few important factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Look for a bleach that is specifically designed for commercial kitchens. These products are formulated to effectively clean and disinfect surfaces commonly found in commercial kitchens, such as countertops, cutting boards, and food prep areas.
  • Consider the concentration level of the bleach. The concentration of bleach is measured in terms of its percentage of sodium hypochlorite. Generally, a 5-8% concentration suits most commercial kitchen cleaning needs.
  • Be aware of any safety precautions that must be taken when using the bleach. Bleach can be harmful if not used properly, so read the label and follow all recommended safety guidelines.
  • Choose a bleach compatible with your commercial kitchen’s surfaces. Some types of bleach may damage certain surfaces, so choosing a safe product on all the surfaces in your kitchen is important.

Alternatives To Bleach For Cleaning In A Commercial Kitchen

Alternatives To Bleach For Cleaning In A Commercial Kitchen

There are many alternatives to bleach for cleaning in a commercial kitchen that is just as effective and sometimes even safer. Here are a few options:

  • Hydrogen peroxide: This is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly alternative to bleach. It’s antibacterial and can be used to clean surfaces and disinfect equipment.
  • Vinegar: While not a disinfectant, vinegar is great for removing grease and grime from surfaces in a commercial kitchen. It’s also non-toxic and safe to use.
  • Essential oils: Some essential oils like tea tree oil, lemon oil, and eucalyptus oil have antibacterial properties and can disinfect surfaces. They also leave a pleasant scent behind.
  • Baking soda: This is an effective abrasive cleaner used to clean ovens, stovetops, and other surfaces in a commercial kitchen.

Cleaning And Sanitizing Practices For A Commercial Kitchen

Maintaining proper cleaning and sanitizing practices in a commercial kitchen is essential to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and ensure food safety. Here are some tips to help keep your kitchen clean and sanitary:

  • Follow a regular cleaning schedule: Assign specific tasks to your staff and maintain a cleaning schedule to ensure that all kitchen areas are cleaned regularly.
  • Use the right cleaning products: Make sure to use cleaning products appropriate for each kitchen surface. For example, use a degreaser on greasy surfaces, a disinfectant on countertops, and a floor cleaner on floors.
  • Use proper cleaning techniques: Train your staff on proper cleaning techniques to ensure they effectively remove dirt and bacteria. For example, use a back-and-forth motion when cleaning surfaces, and sanitize your hands frequently.
  • Sanitize all surfaces: After cleaning, use a sanitizer solution to disinfect all surfaces in your kitchen, including countertops, food prep areas, and cooking equipment.
  • Wash dishes at the correct temperature: Make sure to wash dishes at the correct temperature using a commercial dishwasher. This will help to kill bacteria and ensure that dishes are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Stay up-to-date with regulations: Be aware of local health department regulations and follow all necessary guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting your commercial kitchen.

How To Dispose Of Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen?

Using bleach in a commercial kitchen is important in kitchen cleaning and sanitation. Bleach helps keep the kitchen free of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. However, it is important to understand the proper way to dispose of bleach in a commercial kitchen to ensure the safety of the staff and customers.

When disposing of bleach in a commercial kitchen, it is important to use a dedicated container for storage. Bleach should never be stored in the same container as other cleaning products, as it can cause a chemical reaction that could be harmful.

Additionally, any bleach that has been used should be disposed of properly. The best way to do this is to pour it down the drain, followed by a large amount of water. When handling bleach, it is also important to use personal protective equipment, such as gloves.

It is also important to clean any surfaces that may have come into contact with bleach. Use a clean cloth and warm, soapy water to wipe down any surfaces that may have come into contact with the bleach. Make sure to rinse the surface thoroughly, and then let it air dry.

Finally, it is important to ensure all staff members know the proper procedures for using and disposing of bleach. Regular training sessions can help ensure that everyone follows the correct safety protocols.

Tips For Storing And Handling Bleach In A Commercial Kitchen

Using bleach in a commercial kitchen is a great way to keep the area clean and sanitary. Bleach is a powerful sanitizer and is an important part of proper kitchen sanitation. However, there are some key guidelines to follow when using bleach in a commercial kitchen.

  • It is important to store and handle bleach properly. Bleach should be stored away from food and beverages, preferably in a locked cabinet or room.
  • Bleach should be labeled clearly and kept away from children. When handling bleach, it is important to use gloves, safety glasses, and a face mask to protect against any potential hazards.
  • It is important to dilute bleach correctly. The correct ratio of bleach to water is one teaspoon of bleach to one gallon of water. Mixing the solution properly ensures that it is effective and safe. It is also important to use the solution quickly, as it can lose effectiveness.
  • It is important to use bleach in the right areas. Bleach should only be used on hard surfaces, such as countertops, sinks, and floors. Do not use bleach on fabrics and other soft materials, as it can cause discoloration and damage.

What Not To Do With Bleach

What Not To Do With Bleach?

Many think bleach answers all their kitchen cleaning and sanitation needs, but this is not always true. Using bleach in a commercial kitchen is not recommended due to the potential hazards it can pose to the health and safety of any person who comes in contact with it.

When considering the use of bleach in a commercial kitchen, it is important to identify which areas are safe to use and which should be avoided. The most common areas where bleach should not be used in a commercial kitchen include food preparation and storage areas, areas where food is likely to come into contact with the bleach and any areas with porous surfaces. These areas should be cleaned with non-toxic, food-grade sanitizers or detergents that are specifically designed for such areas.

It is also important to note that bleach should never be mixed with other cleaning chemicals, which can cause a dangerous chemical reaction. In addition, bleach should never be used to clean any surfaces that have come in contact with raw food, as this can lead to cross-contamination.

Lastly, storing and disposing of bleach properly is important, as it is hazardous and can cause environmental damage if not handled properly.

How To Disinfect Utensils?

When using bleach for disinfecting utensils, it is important to use a separate sponge or cloth for each utensil. This helps to avoid cross-contamination between utensils and surfaces. The utensils should be submerged in the solution for at least one minute before being rinsed with potable water.

Once the kitchen surfaces and utensils have been disinfected, it is essential to rinse them with potable water to remove any traces of bleach. This is especially important for preparing food items, as bleach residue can be toxic if ingested.

Also, it is important to follow the proper steps when using it. Make sure to clean all surfaces and utensils before disinfecting, prepare the right ratio of bleach and water, and always rinse with potable water to remove any traces of bleach residue. Taking these steps will ensure that your commercial kitchen is safe and sanitized.

Kitchen Cleaning Rules

Regarding kitchen cleaning, following the manufacturer’s instructions for the cleaning products being used is important. Cleaning products labeled as “sanitizing” or “disinfecting” should be used per the instructions for the product, as these products can be toxic if used incorrectly. Additionally, wearing the proper protective equipment, such as gloves and safety glasses, is important when using these products.

Following the four-step cleaning process when cleaning a commercial kitchen is also important. This process includes pre-cleaning, cleaning, sanitizing, and post-cleaning.

  1. Pre-cleaning involves removing visible debris and food particles from surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge.
  2. Cleaning involves using the appropriate detergent and water solution to remove grease and food residue.
  3. Sanitizing involves using a sanitizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide or an EPA-approved sanitizer product to reduce the number of bacteria and viruses on surfaces.
  4. Post-cleaning involves a final wipe-down of surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge to remove any remaining residue.

Following these kitchen cleaning and sanitation guidelines will help ensure a safe and hygienic environment for food preparation. By avoiding the use of bleach and following the four-step cleaning process, commercial kitchens can ensure the safety of their employees and customers.

Which Part Of The Kitchen Should Be Cleaned Last?

When cleaning a commercial kitchen, knowing which part of the kitchen should be cleaned last is important. This is especially important for kitchens that use bleach for cleaning purposes.

While bleach is an effective cleaner, it is also a strong disinfectant. If bleach is used on a surface before other cleaning steps have been completed, it can cause damage to the surface and leave behind harmful chemicals.

For this reason, it is important to clean the kitchen in the correct order. The kitchen should first be swept, mopped, and wiped down with a damp cloth. This should be followed by using a disinfectant cleaner on all surfaces. A mild detergent should then clean all surfaces before finally using bleach.

It is important to remember that bleach should never be used directly on food surfaces. Instead, it should be diluted in a bucket of water to clean hard surfaces such as kitchen counters, sinks, and floors. It should also be used to thoroughly wash dishes and utensils in hot, soapy water.

Finally, it is important to remember that bleach should never be used as a replacement for regular cleaning. While bleach is an effective cleaner, it should not be used as a substitute for regular cleaning. Regular cleaning is necessary to keep the kitchen in top condition and ensure all surfaces are clean and sanitary.


In conclusion, bleach can be used in a commercial kitchen but should be used cautiously and only as a last resort to ensure the safety of staff and customers. It must be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and diluted properly for the best results. Proper cleaning and sanitation practices should also be implemented to maximize safety and hygiene. Following these guidelines will help to keep a commercial kitchen clean and safe.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you have bleach in a restaurant kitchen?

Yes, bleach is commonly used in restaurant kitchens as a disinfectant to prevent the spread of bacteria and other germs. It is important to use bleach safely and according to manufacturer instructions.

Can you use bleach in a catering kitchen?

No, bleach should not be used in a catering kitchen. Bleach is a corrosive chemical that can be dangerous if not used correctly, and it is not typically suitable for food preparation or storage. Instead, food-safe sanitizing products designed in a catering kitchen should be used.

Are you allowed to use bleach in the workplace?

It depends on the workplace. Some workplaces may allow the use of bleach, while others may have policies prohibiting it. It is important to check with your employer to determine whether bleach is allowed.

What is the best way to disinfect a commercial kitchen?

Combining manual and mechanical cleaning is the best way to disinfect a commercial kitchen. Manual cleaning would include wiping down surfaces with a disinfectant solution, using a brush to scrub hard-to-reach areas, and using a mop and bucket to clean the floors. Mechanical cleaning would include using a steam cleaner to sanitize hard surfaces, a high-pressure washer to clean the walls and floors, and an ozone generator to disinfect the air. It is also important to keep the kitchen clean and debris-free to reduce the spread of germs.

What cleaning products should be used in a commercial kitchen?

In a commercial kitchen, cleaning products such as degreasers, disinfectants, sanitizers, and all-purpose cleaners should be used. Specific products may be necessary depending on the type of surface or equipment that needs to be cleaned. For example, for stainless steel surfaces, a stainless steel cleaner should be used, while for cutting boards, a cutting board cleaner should be used.

How often should a commercial kitchen be cleaned and sanitized?

A commercial kitchen should be cleaned and sanitized at least once a day. Depending on the kitchen’s size, complexity, and volume, more frequent cleaning and sanitizing may be required.