How To Build An Outdoor Kitchen With Cinder Blocks?

Creating an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is a great way to add some extra life to your outdoor space. With the right materials and some know-how, you can easily construct your outdoor kitchen using cinder blocks.

This article will provide you with tips and tricks on how to build an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks. From the initial layout to the final touches, you’ll have everything you need to make your outdoor kitchen the perfect addition to your outdoor living area.

How To Build Outdoor Kitchen With Cinder Blocks?

A cinder block outdoor kitchen is the perfect addition to any backyard. Whether you want to entertain friends and family or just have a place to BBQ without going indoors, a cinder block kitchen can provide the perfect solution. Building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is fairly simple and can be completed in a few days. The following steps will guide building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks.

The first step is to create a level surface for the outdoor kitchen. This can be done by using sand or gravel to level the area. Once the area is level, the cinder blocks can be laid out in the desired shape. It is important to ensure the blocks are completely level before continuing.

The next step is to mortar the cinder blocks together. This can be done by mixing the mortar and applying it to the blocks with a trowel. Ensure that the mortar is spread evenly and that there are no gaps between the blocks. Once the mortar is dried, it will help to keep the cinder blocks in place and provide a level surface for the outdoor kitchen.

Once the cinder blocks are mortared, adding a countertop is next. This can be done by attaching the countertop to the cinder blocks with concrete screws. Once the countertop is secure, the outdoor kitchen can be finished with the desired appliances. This could include a grill, sink, refrigerator, and other cooking appliances.

The last step is to seal the cinder blocks. This can be done using a sealer designed for outdoor use. This will help to keep out any moisture and protect the cinder blocks from the elements.

Gathering Materials

Gathering Materials

Gathering materials is the first step in building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks. Depending on the size and style of the kitchen, you will need to gather the necessary materials. The most important material that you will need is cinder blocks. These blocks come in different sizes and shapes, so it is important to choose the ones that best fit the design of the kitchen.

You will also need mortar and grout for the joints between the blocks, as well as sand and gravel for the base of the kitchen. You may also need other materials, such as rebar, steel mesh, and rebar caps, to reinforce the structure. You will also need tools such as a hammer, drill, and level to properly align the structure.

Finally, you will need to purchase any furniture or decor you want in the kitchen, such as a grill, countertops, and cabinets. Once you have gathered the necessary materials, you can build your outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks.

Designing The Layout

Designing the layout of an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is a great way to spice up your outdoor living space. When designing the layout, it is important to consider the size and shape of the area you are working with.

Start by sketching a basic plan on paper or using a digital design program. This should include the cinder blocks’ size, shape, and placement. Consider adding features like built-in seating, a countertop, or a fire pit.

Once you have your basic plan in place, it is time to start building. Begin by laying out the cinder blocks in the desired shape. Use a level and a measuring tape to align all blocks properly. Using a marker to indicate where each block should be placed is also a good idea. This will help you to stay organized and maintain a consistent look.

When it comes to arranging the cinder blocks, there are a few different approaches you can take. You can stack them in single or double rows or even create a wall of cinder blocks. You can create a pattern with the blocks if you want a more intricate design. Once you have the blocks in place, you can use concrete to secure them in place.

Once the cinder blocks are set and secure, you can add features to your outdoor kitchen. A countertop is a great addition to any outdoor kitchen, and you can easily create one using cinder blocks. You can also use cinder blocks to add built-in seating, a fire pit, or other features you may want.

Preparing The Area

Before starting any project, preparation is key. Building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks requires careful planning and preparation of the area. Start by measuring the kitchen area to ensure it’s large enough for all the features you want to include.

Consider the size of the cinder blocks used to form the kitchen base. The measurements should also include the space needed for additional features, such as a countertop, a sink, a refrigerator, or a grill.

Next, it’s important to clear the area of any debris or vegetation and to level it out. This is an important step in building a successful outdoor kitchen as it ensures that the cinder blocks are properly supported and that the kitchen won’t sink or become unstable over time. If necessary, dig a few inches to ensure the area is level.

Finally, laying a weed barrier or tarp on the ground is a good idea to prevent weeds from growing underneath the kitchen. This will help keep the kitchen clean and ensure it lasts for years. You can build your outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks once the area is cleared, leveled, and covered.

Building The Base

Building the base of your outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is an easy and cost-effective way to create a sturdy, long-lasting structure. Before you start, you’ll need to measure the area in which you plan to build your outdoor kitchen and mark it off with chalk or string.

This will help you determine the size of your cinder block base and how many you’ll need. Once you’ve done this, you must start preparing the site. Remove debris or obstructions and level off the ground with a shovel or a rake.

Next, you’ll need to start laying the base. Start by laying the cinder blocks in a grid formation, ensuring they are even and level. Depending on the size of your outdoor kitchen, you may need to use mortar to secure the blocks in place. If you’re not using mortar, you’ll need to use rebar and concrete or cement, which will help to reinforce the structure and keep the blocks from shifting or sliding. You’ll also need to ensure the base is level and square before you move on to the next step.

Once the base is set, you must start adding the walls. Measure the area for the walls and cut the cinder blocks to size. Mortar can be used to secure the blocks in place if desired.

Once the walls are in place, use a level to check that they are level and square. Once the walls are in place, you’ll be ready to start adding the other components of your outdoor kitchen, such as countertops, sinks, and appliances.

Adding The Cinder Blocks

Adding The Cinder Blocks

Adding the cinder blocks is the first step in building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks. Cinder blocks are durable and can stand up to the elements, making them the perfect choice for outdoor kitchen construction.

Start by laying the first row of cinder blocks. Use a level to make sure the blocks are even and straight. To give the kitchen a more finished look, use a masonry saw to cut the blocks to fit around corners and edges.

Once the first row is in place, use a masonry trowel to spread mortar around the edges of the cinder blocks. This will help create a strong bond between the blocks and the mortar. Continue to lay the cinder blocks in the desired shape and pattern. Use a masonry hammer and chisel to cut the blocks to the desired size.

When all the cinder blocks are in place, use a trowel to spread a layer of mortar over the entire surface. This will help further secure the blocks and create a smooth, even surface. To create a waterproof seal, use a brush to apply a thin layer of masonry sealer over the entire surface. This will help protect the outdoor kitchen from the elements and make it last for years.

Finally, use a masonry drill to attach metal brackets to the cinder blocks. This will be used to attach the countertop and other outdoor kitchen elements. Once the brackets are in place, you can install the countertop, shelves, and other accessories to complete the outdoor kitchen.

Finishing The Walls

Finishing the walls of an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is an easy project that anyone can do with the right tools and materials. The cinder blocks are ideal for this project because they are durable, weather resistant, and offer various colors and textures for an outdoor kitchen. They are also relatively inexpensive compared to other materials and can be found at most hardware stores.

The first step in finishing the walls is to lay out the cinder blocks in the desired configuration. It is important to remember that the blocks should be placed in a way that allows for proper drainage. Make sure to check with local building codes to ensure that the layout meets all requirements.

Once the cinder blocks are in place, it is time to mortar them into place. Begin by mixing a batch of mortar according to the package instructions. Using a trowel, apply the mortar between each block and around the edges of the wall. Make sure to fill all the gaps and smooth out any uneven spots.

Once the mortar has dried, it is time to grout the cinder blocks. First, mix a batch of grout according to the package instructions. Using a grout float, apply the grout between each block and around the edges of the wall. Make sure to fill all the gaps and smooth out any uneven spots. Allow the grout to dry for 24 hours before moving on to the next step.

The last step in finishing the walls is to apply a sealer to protect the cinder blocks from the elements. Make sure to choose a sealer designed for outdoor use that will stand up to the weather. Apply the sealer with a brush in even strokes, allowing the sealer to dry between coats.

Installing Countertops And Shelving

Installing countertops and shelving for an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is a relatively easy process that can be completed in a single day. Cinder blocks are inexpensive, durable, and easy to work with, making them a perfect choice for outdoor kitchen construction.

Before beginning, you must decide on the size of your outdoor kitchen and the amount of countertop and shelving space you will require. Once these decisions have been made, it is time to begin the installation.

First, you must build a base for your cinder block kitchen. This will involve laying a concrete slab or patio stones on the ground and securing it with mortar. Once the base has been laid, you must lay the cinder blocks. Start at one end of the kitchen and stack the cinder blocks, layering them four blocks high.

After the cinder blocks have been laid, it is time to install the countertops. The countertop should be cut to fit the available space, then set onto the cinder blocks. Use a masonry drill to secure the countertop to the blocks.

Next, you will need to install shelving for storage. Shelving can be made from pre-cut wood, metal, or plastic pieces. Cut the shelving pieces to fit, then secure them to the cinder blocks using masonry screws.

Finally, it is time to seal the cinder blocks. Use a waterproof masonry sealer to protect the blocks from moisture. Once the sealer has dried, your outdoor kitchen is ready for use.

Connecting Appliances

Building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is a great way to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space for entertaining and cooking. The first step in creating an outdoor kitchen is to connect the necessary appliances.

Depending on the size and scope of the outdoor kitchen, this step can involve installing a grill, a sink, a stove, a refrigerator, and other countertop appliances. When connecting these appliances, it is important first to ensure that all pieces are compatible and properly secured to the cinder block surface.

It is also important to consider how the appliances will be powered. If electricity is not readily available or needs additional outlets, professional electricians may need to be called in to install the necessary wiring. Once the appliances are connected, it is a good idea to check for any gas leaks and to ensure that all connections are secure before proceeding. With the appliances in place, the rest of the kitchen can begin to take shape.

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches

Now that the main structure of the outdoor kitchen is built, it is time for the finishing touches. Depending on the desired look, add a coat of paint to the cinder blocks. Paint can add a nice, finished look to the outdoor kitchen. In addition, any electrical or plumbing work should be taken care of.

If the outdoor kitchen has a sink or other plumbing appliance, the plumbing should be hooked up. The necessary electrical components should be installed if the outdoor kitchen has electrical appliances, such as a grill or a refrigerator.

For the countertop, there are a variety of options. A popular option is to use granite or marble tiles, which are durable and easy to install. Other options include using concrete, ceramic tile, or stone. Whatever option is chosen should be sealed to protect it from the elements.

The last step is to add the accessories. This includes things such as a grill, a refrigerator, a sink, and other accessories the homeowner may want. These accessories should be chosen carefully to ensure that they fit the overall style of the outdoor kitchen.

Maintenance And Cleaning

Cinder blocks are a great material for building an outdoor kitchen as they are durable, affordable, and easy to work with. Maintenance and cleaning of the cinder block are essential to ensure it looks great and functions properly.

To begin, you should inspect the cinder blocks for any chips, cracks, or damage that may have occurred. You can use a wire brush to remove any dirt, debris, or other contaminants that may have built up on the surface. You should replace the affected blocks if there are any signs of damage or deterioration.

You should use mild detergent and warm water when cleaning the cinder blocks. A pressure washer is also an effective way to remove built-up grime or dirt. Just be sure to keep the pressure low enough so as not to cause any damage. You should also seal the cinder blocks with a waterproof sealer to protect them from water damage and weathering.

Once the blocks have been cleaned and sealed, you should check for any loose mortar or other materials that may have become dislodged over time. If you find any, you should repair it as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring. After repairing any loose materials, you should apply a protective sealant to the cinder blocks to protect them from the elements.

Finally, you should check for any signs of mold or mildew that may have formed on the surface of the blocks. Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean it off if you find any. You may also need a specialty cleaner or mildew remover to remove the mold. Once you have finished cleaning and sealing the cinder blocks, your outdoor kitchen should be ready to use.

How To Build An Outdoor Bar With Cinder Blocks?

Building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is a great way to add a functional yet stylish outdoor living space to your home. Cinder blocks are durable and easy to find and use, making them ideal for building an outdoor kitchen. With some planning, the right materials, and a little elbow grease, you can create an outdoor kitchen that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Here are the steps to build an outdoor bar with cinder blocks:

  1. Plan the bar dimensions and location, and gather all necessary materials, including cement, cinder blocks, reinforcement steel, and any additional materials like wood for the bar top.
  2. Begin by digging a trench where the bar will be located, and fill it with about 4 inches of gravel for drainage.
  3. Place the first layer of cinder blocks, using a spirit level to ensure they’re level and even. Interlock the blocks by placing them corner-to-corner rather than flat on top of each other.
  4. Add reinforcing steel inside the cinder block holes, and fill any holes with more gravel to create a sturdy base.
  5. Add additional layers of cinder blocks, alternating the direction of the blocks for added stability.
  6. When you’ve reached the desired height, use cement to secure the top row of cinder blocks and let it dry.
  7. Add any desired finishing touches, such as a wooden bar top, shelves, or decorations.

How To Build An Outdoor Grill With Cinder Blocks?

Building an outdoor grill with cinder blocks is a great way to add a permanent feature to your backyard. Here are some steps to get you started:

  • Choose a location: Find a spot for your grill that is level and away from flammable materials.
  • Gather materials: You will need cinder blocks, metal grating, mortar mix, and optional decorative stones for the exterior.
  • Build the foundation: Lay the cinder blocks in a rectangular shape and place a metal grating on top. This will serve as the foundation for your grill.
  • Build the walls: Using mortar mix, layer the cinder blocks on top of each other to create the walls.
  • Create a grill surface: You can either place a metal grate on top of the cinder blocks or create a surface with decorative stones.
  • Add finishing touches: Once the structure is complete, you can add decorative stones to the exterior to give it a more polished look.

Remember to follow all safety precautions when building an outdoor grill, and always consult with an expert if you need clarification on any steps in the process.


In conclusion, building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks is an easy and cost-effective way to upgrade your outdoor living space. It is a great way to add style, functionality, and value to your home.

Anyone can build an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks with the right tools and materials. The process can be completed in just a few hours, providing your family with a great place to enjoy the outdoors.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the cheapest way to build an outdoor kitchen?

To create a cost-effective outdoor kitchen, use pre-made cabinets and countertops, and assemble them yourself. You can also purchase a pre-made island for additional space. Invest in a high-quality grill and necessary appliances, and add unique touches through DIY projects like building a bar or adding a tile backsplash.

What is the difference between a cinder block and a concrete block?

A cinder block is made of cinders (pulverized coal) and other materials such as lime, sand, and water, while a concrete block is made of cement, sand, and water. Cinder blocks are lighter and less expensive than concrete blocks but are less strong and durable. Concrete blocks are stronger and more durable than cinder blocks but are heavier and more expensive.

What to build an outdoor kitchen out of?

Outdoor kitchens can be made from various materials, including brick, stone, stucco, concrete, stainless steel, tile, and wood. The choice of material depends on budget, style, and climate. Brick and stone offer a classic look, while concrete and stucco are more affordable. Stainless steel is modern and easy to clean, tile offers versatility, and wood gives a rustic look.

Are cinder blocks heat-resistant?

Yes, cinder blocks are heat resistant. They are made from concrete, a mixture of sand, aggregate, and cement, and the high temperature of the kiln used to make cinder blocks helps to give them a high level of heat resistance.

What tools are needed to build an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks?

To construct an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks, one must purchase cinder blocks, construction adhesive, and mortar from a home improvement store. Other necessary tools include a trowel, level, circular saw, drill with masonry bits, and rubber mallet. Depending on the desired design, additional materials, such as grill components, sink, countertop, and outdoor-rated appliances, may also be needed.

How durable is an outdoor kitchen built with cinder blocks?

Cinder blocks are a durable and affordable choice for an outdoor kitchen. The cinder blocks can last for decades with minimal maintenance when properly installed. However, they may need to be sealed or treated periodically with a waterproofing sealer to protect them from moisture and weathering. The cinder blocks should also be covered with a protective finish, such as paint or stucco, to ensure they look good and last longer.

How much space do I need for an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks?

The amount of space you need for an outdoor kitchen made with cinder blocks will depend on the size and design of the kitchen. Generally, you should plan to have at least 3-4 feet of space between the cinder blocks and any other structures or objects in the area. Additionally, it is recommended to allow at least 1-2 feet of space around the kitchen’s perimeter for ease of movement and access.

What should I consider when constructing an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks?

When building an outdoor kitchen with cinder blocks, it is important to plan the layout and choose the right size and shape of blocks. Safety concerns such as fire hazards and ventilation should be considered, as well as selecting appropriate materials for the countertop. Local building codes should also be considered for a successful, long-lasting outdoor kitchen.